Meeting Minutes

The Regular meeting of the Plainfield Town Board was held 7/11/24 at the Town Hall.

Members attending:

Todd Lewis-Supervisor

Connie Peeters-Deputy Supervisor

Mark Stillwell-Board Member

Dan Saunders-Board member

Jon Cockett-Town Clerk


Supervisor Lewis opened the meeting at 700pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.


There was no Highway report


No Report


Monthly reports,balance sheets,disbursements, from Hoke Accounting were received.Motion by Connie Peeters to accept.Second by Mark Stillwell.Board voted unanimous to approve.


Jon Cockett presented the report for the month of June.Sales of $20.00 for dog licenses were disbursed as follows.NYS Ag and Markets, $4.00,$16.00 was the Town share.Connie Peeters motioned to accept.Second by Dan Saunders.The Board voted unanimous to approve.


Town Clerk presented the minutes for the month of June.Keith Chapman motioned to accept.Second by Mark Stillwell.The Board voted unanimous to approve


Mark Stillwell motioned to accept and pay.Second by Connie Peeters.The Board voted unanimous to approve the motion


Dan Saunders motioned to accept and pay.Second by Connie Peeters.The Board voted unanimous to approve


No update to the condition of Mill Creek Rd was received due to there was no Highway rep at meeting.

Sidewalks install in the Forks is still an ongoing process



The Board accepted with regret the resignation of Jean Kosina dog control officer.

The Board accepted with regret the resignation of Tom Peeters as a member of the Board of Assessment review


Fuel bids per gallon from the County for the following year were presented and approved as follows. Regular gasoline,$2.84.9, Heating oil,$2.87.8, ULSD $2.72.3

Dan Saunders will check on a contact he has to get more cubic yards of shale for Highway dept as opposed to 750 yards through NYS DEC


The regular meeting was adjourned at 745pm so the Board may enter executive session.Executive session adjourned at 830pm and regular meeting resumed at 831pm




The regular meeting was adjourned at 832pm on a motion by Mark Stillwell and second by Connie Peeters.The Board voted unanimous to approve


Jon Cockett

Town clerk


The Regular meeting of the Plainfield Town Board was held 6/13/24 at the Town Hall.

Members attending:

Todd Lewis-Supervisor

Connie Peeters-Deputy Supervisor

Dan Saunders-Board member

Jon Cockett-Town Clerk

Rod Jennison-Highway Superintendent

John Davidson-Assessor

Deb Wheelock-Tax Collector


Supervisor Lewis opened the meeting at 700pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Paving is done for the year.It is undecided how far to repair on Meadow lane.Suspension on the 2022 will be repaired by Freightliner on Wednesday.Delivery date for the new truck is scheduled for September or October.A permit has been secured from NYS DEC to remove 750 yards of shale from State Land



John advises final roll completed and will be submitted by 7/1/24. Greivance day was held with corrections accepted.


Monthly disbursements,budget vs.actual,and comparative balance sheets were received from accounting service.Motion by Connie Peeters to accept, Second by Keith Chapman.Board voted unanimous to approve.


Jon Cockett advises no report to present as no sales were recorded for May Connie Peeters motioned to accept.Second by Dan Saunders.The Board voted unanimous to approve.


Town Clerk presented the minutes for the May regular meeting.Connie Peeters motioned to accept.Second by Dan Saunders.The Board voted unanimous to approve

HIGHWAY ABSTRACT #6-$79,621.12

Keith Chapman  motioned to accept and pay.Second by Connie Peeters.The Board voted unanimous to approve the motion

GENERAL ABSTRACT #6-$28,913.51

Dan Saunders motioned to accept and pay.Second by Connie Peeters.The Board voted unanimous to approve




An audit was conducted by the Board of the Town Tax Collector. There were no discrepancies.A copy is available from the Town Clerk for public inspection.

Discussion was held on any future requests for installation of  “Solar Farms or Windmill Turbine Farms”.It was decided on a motion by Connie Peeters that a mandatory vote of Town electors is required to approve any requests.Second by Keith Chapman.The Board voted unanimous to approve



The regular meeting was adjourned at 915 pm on a motion by Keith Chapman and second by Connie Peeters.The Board voted unanimous to approve


Jon Cockett

Town clerk







The Regular meeting of the Plainfield Town Board was held 5/9/24 at the Town Hall.

Members attending:

Todd Lewis-Supervisor

Connie Peeters-Deputy Supervisor

Mark Stillwell-Board Member

Dan Saunders-Board member

Howard Brooks-Deputy Highway Superintendent

Jon Cockett-Town Clerk

Supervisor Lewis opened the meeting at 700pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Howard Brooks presented 284 agreement which describes road work to be done in 2024.A copy is available at Town Clerks office.Connie Peeters motioned to accept.Second by Dan Saunders.Passed by unanimous vote.$3000.00 extra was requested for stainless steel box with 3 doors to be fitted to new truck on order.Approval was tabled to insure suspension and other issues were corrected before accepting delivery.The brush and trees at top of Pritchard Rd were cut under the guidelines of NYS DEC who were present.Ditching was done on upper Crumb Hill,also,REA was contacted to cut trees along power line.All trucks receive hot and cold wash frequently to keep salt and other contaminants at bay.Double wall fuel tanks will be researched for upgrade of current condition. Damage to the road in vicinity of Hughes and Stanton Rds has been occurring due to private equipment used by loggers.The area will be monitored and action is requested by the Board to advise people responsible.


No Report


Monthly disbursements,budget vs.actual,and comparative balance sheets were received from accounting service.Motion by Connie Peeters to accept.Second by Mark Stillwell.Board voted unanimous to approve.


Jon Cockett presented the report for the month of April 2024,which showed total revenues of $55.00.The local share was $54.00 and $1.00 was the State share. Revenue included fees for Certified copies and dog licenses. Connie Peeters motioned to accept.Second by Dan Saunders.The Board voted unanimous to approve.


Town Clerk presented the minutes for the April regular meeting.Connie Peeters motioned to accept with one correction, the cost of drywell repair was for the tank only.the actual work to install was done inhouse.Second by Mark Stillwell.The Board voted unanimous to approve

HIGHWAY ABSTRACT #5- $66,689.63

Mark Stillwell motioned to accept and pay.Second by Connie Peeters.The Board voted unanimous to approve the motion

GENERAL ABSTRACT #5-$21,535.61

Dan Saunders motioned to accept and pay.Second by Connie Peeters.The Board voted unanimous to approve


Town Clerk advised there has been no word from Schuyler Lake Fire District for completion of 2024 contract for fire protection.Leonardsville Fire District secretery was sent (5/9/24) a corrected contract to be signed/notarized and returned to Clerk for processing


Fund transfer of $337.00 from A1990.4 (Contingent) to A1920.4 (Municipal Dues) was approved on a motion by Connie Peeters and Second by Mark Stillwell.The Board voted unanimous to approve. Fund transfer of $50.00 from A1990.4 to A1910.4 (Unallocated Ins) was approved on a motion by Dan Saunders and Second by Connie Peeters.The Board voted unanimous to approve.


The regular meeting was adjourned at pm on a motion by Mark Stillwell and second by Connie Peeters.The Board voted unanimous to approve


Jon Cockett

Town clerk







The Regular meeting of the Plainfield Town Board was held 4/11/24 at the Town Hall.

Members attending:

Todd Lewis-Supervisor

Connie Peeters-Deputy Supervisor

Keith Chapman-Board Member

Mark Stillwell-Board Member

Howard Brooks-Deputy Highway Superintendent

Jon Cockett-Town Clerk


Supervisor Lewis opened the meeting at 700pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Howard reports new broom is enroute and will be installed by factory on payloader.The top of Pritchard Rd. will be paved May 13th.Crew is busy fixing potholes.The freightliner still has suspension issues, it is 2” lower in the rear and bottoms out when loading.


N0 Report


Monthly disbursements,budget vs.actual,and comparative balance sheets were received from accounting service.Connie Peeters motioned to accept with one correction,the amount of $9544.00 was charged in error to building account A1620.4.It should have been charged to ARPA account A4960.Second by Keith Chapman.Board voted unanimous to approve.Hoke accounting will be advised to correct


Jon Cockett presented the report for the month of March 2024,which showed total revenues of $75.00.The local share was $72.00 and $3.00 was the State share. Revenue included fees for Certified copies and dog licenses. Connie Peeters motioned to accept.Second by Keith Chapman.The Board voted unanimous to approve.


Town Clerk presented the minutes for the March regular meeting.Connie Peeters motioned to accept with no additions or corrections.Second by Keith Chapman.The Board voted unanimous to approve


Keith Chapman motioned to accept and pay.Second by Connie Peeters.The Board voted unanimous to approve the motion


Mark Stillwell motioned to accept and pay.Second by Keith Chapman.The Board voted unanimous to approve


Town Clerk presented letter that was sent to Adirondack-Applalachian Medical Services which stated the Board will wait for more information on cost and coverage area before making decision to accept the new service.

Town Clerk advises that the fire protection contracts from Leonardsville and Schuyler Lake have not been received.


Mill Creek Rd resident was present and asked the status of repair to Mill Creek Rd.Howard Brooks advises the road will need additional drainage and tree service to dry out the road,which is the key to lasting repair and safe passage.A 5 ton limit sign has been posted.The Highway dept will prioritize the repair

Dan Saunders has been offered and has accepted the position of Board Member to fill the un-expired term ending 12/31/25 of Lauren Lockwood.Connie Peeters motioned to approve.Second by Keith Chapman. The Board voted unanimous to approved

The 284 contract which details the expenditure of monies to maintain Town roads was tentatively completed.Final dollar amounts will be determined when New York State passes the 2024 budget.

The drywell at the East end of Highway garage has collapsed.VanWieren contracting has proposed to repair at a cost of $795.00. Connie Peeters motioned to accept proposal.Second by Keith Chapman.The Board voted unanimous to approve



The regular meeting was adjourned at 855pm on a motion by Keith Chapman and second by Connie Peeters.The Board voted unanimous to approve



Jon Cockett

Town clerk







The Regular meeting of the Plainfield Town Board was held 3/14/24 at the Town Hall.

Members attending:

Todd Lewis-Supervisor

Connie Peeters-Deputy Supervisor

Keith Chapman-Board Member

Mark Stillwell-Board Member

Rod Jennison-Highway Superintendent

John Davidson-Assessor

Jon Cockett-Town Clerk


Dale Gates

Howard Brooks

Supervisor Lewis opened the meeting at 700pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Rod reports that Mill Creek Rd is shot.Much work will be needed to return to safe usage.The 2022 is back from warranty service.The crew is still cutting brush as long as favorable weather continues


John reports he is finishing up exemptions as the report is due April 15 to the County


Monthly Disbursements,Balance sheets received from Hoke payroll service.A $5000.00 dollar amount for highway overtime was noticed to be charged to the wrong account.It will be corrected.

Keith Chapman motioned to accept.Second by Mark Stillwell.The Board voted unanimous to approve


Supervisor Lewis asked for a motion at 715pm to enter into executive session and invited Rod Jennison and Howard Brooks to attend.Connie Peeters motioned to enter and was seconded by Keith Chapman.The Board voted unanimous to approve the motion. The meeting ended at 745pm.There were no minutes recorded as no action was taken,only a discussion as authorized under the Open Meetings Law.Supervisor Lewis resumed the regular meeting at 746pm



Jon Cockett presented the report for the month of February which showed total revenues of $15.00.The local share was $12.00 and $3.00 was the State share.Connie Peeters motioned to accept.Second by Keith Chapman.The Board voted unanimous to approve.



Town Clerk presented the minutes for the February regular meeting.Connie Peeters motioned to accept with no additions or corrections.Second by Keith Chapman.The Board voted unanimous to approve


HIGHWAY ABSTRACT #3- $6616.32, Vouchers 18 thru 26

Keith Chapman motioned to accept and pay.Second by Connie Peeters.The Board voted unanimous to approve the motion


GENERAL ABSTRACT #3-$86,159.39,Vouchers 28-50 (Voucher 45 deleted due to duplication)

Mark Stillwell motioned to accept and pay.Second by Connie Peeters.The Board voted unanimous to approve



The Town is still waiting for Bassett Healthcare to clear Crystal Ferguson to become Town health officer.

A letter was received from attorney Cory Schoonmaker advising

the lawsuit from Mr. Lewandrowski has been dismissed on appeal



A letter was received from Adirondack-Appalachian Regional Emergency Medical Services Council to get input on the need for the Town of Richfield  to operate a new ambulance service.

It was decided to have Town Clerk respond to the Council  to receive more info as far as coverage area and cost before making a decision.

Lauren Lockwood has resigned as a Board member as she is no longer a resident of the Town.Todd Lewis will contact Lauren to present a signed letter of resignation. The Town Clerk will advise County Board of Elections when letter received.

The 2024 contracts for the Leonardsville and Schuyler Lake/West Exeter fire services were signed by Supervisor Lewis.The contracts will be mailed,signed and returned for payment processing


A transfer amount of $2900.00 was made from A1990.4 (Contingency) to A1910.4 (Unallocated Insurance).Covers premium shortfall . A transfer amount of $100.00 was made from A1990.4 (Contingency) to A1910.8 (NYS Retirement System) to cover shortfall in Town contribution to the system

Connie Peeters motioned to approve. Second by Todd Lewis.The Board voted unanimous to accept.



The regular meeting was adjourned at 900pm on a motion by Keith Chapman and second by Connie Peeters.The Board voted unanimous to approve



Jon Cockett

Town clerk







The Regular meeting of the Plainfield Town Board was held Feb. 8, 2014 in the Town Hall

Members Present:

Supervisor-Todd Lewis

Deputy Supervisor-Connie Peeters

Board Member-Lauren Lockwood

Board Member-Keith Chapman

Board Member-Mark Stillwell

Town Clerk-Jon Cockett

Highway Super-Rod Jennison

Supervisor Lewis opened the meeting at 700pm with the Pledge of Allegiance


Rod advises the 2022 10 wheeler has suspension issues,but is covered under warranty.When loading,the box bottoms out well before box is full.The rep was here and observed.

Rod has requested a broom be purchased at a cost of $15,150.00 installed on loader.It may be possible to pay for with ARPA funds.Keith Chapman motioned to purchase.Second by Lauren Lockwood.Motion passed by unanimous vote

Rod also advises the crew is cutting brush due to the favorable weather.


Comparative balance sheets,monthly budget vs.actual,and monthly disbursements were presented as sent by Town bookkeeper. Keith Chapman motioned to accept as received.Second by Connie Peeters.Motion passed by unanimous vote.


Jon Cockett presented Town Clerk report.Total revenue was $13.00 for sales of dog licenses.The Town share was $10.00


No Report


Town Clerk presented January regular and organizational minutes.Lauren Lockwood motioned to accept as written.Second by Connie Peeters.Motion passed by unanimous vote


Town Clerk presented General Abstract # 2 with Vouchers # 13 through # 31 in the amount of $5564.31. Lauren Lockwood motioned to accept.Second by Keith Chapman.Motion passed by unanimous vote.


Town Clerk presented Highway Abstract #2 with Voucher #8 through 17 in the amount of 12231.71.Mark Stillwell motioned to accept.Second by Connie Peeters.Motion passed by unanimous vote.


The electronic sign was not pursued as it was cost prohibited.The quote received was for $46.000.00 plus the Town would have to install the mounting poles at an extra cost


The Town Clerk was authorized to attend Clerk Conference in Albany from April 21-24.

The Dog Control officer,Jean Kosina,requested the Town to pay half the cost of her attendance for ACO conference.The Town has done so previously.Keith Chapman motioned to pay half the cost of mileage and room reservation.Second by Lauren Lockwood.Motion carried by unanimous vote

Town Clerk asked for permission to install dropbox in Courthouse for any correspondence the Court may have with Town Clerk.Permission was granted.

Todd Lewis proposed the Town fly the Hometown Heroes flags as seen in many villages and Towns..Rod and crew will hang.Connie Peeters will research as there is a cost to anyone wanting a flag.


The meeting was adjourned at 838pm on a motion by Connie Peeters and second by Keith Chapman.Motion passed by unanimous vote


Jon Cockett-Town Clerk



Town of Plainfield Offices
129 Co. Hwy. 18A
West Winfield, NY 13491
Phone: (315) 855-7873
Fax: (315) 855-7818